Friday, October 06, 2006


My other co-worker today told me a story about the women's rugby team he coaches. Apparently the best player on the team is the one with the worst attitude. Queenie has two other friends on the team so when the three of them are together it's mayhem. Well she and one of her cohorts were out of town and while both were gone the team ran smoothly and was cohesive. Queenie and her friend's absence left girl #3 diffused. Then they returned and everything went back to the way it was. He said that he would much rather have people with less ability but a good attitude, than someone with her skill but who's uncoachable. I thought about how you know when you're neggin' out you never realize that you're the one bringing everybody down. And I also thought about how easy it to get sucked into drama.

I clean.

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