Important* Updates!
1. It pains me to type this, but SoundTeam show? Ehh. Don't get me wrong -- ehh is still better than not at all. Sure, they got a little crazy and messed around w/ TV Torso, but the re-arrangement felt like a disguise. The guitar player Gabe (we're on a first name basis because I don't know him personally AT ALL but do think he's hot) kept repeating, "We're SoundTeam. We're from Austin, TX. We love LA." It fell flat on the audience. Why? Because there is zero pride in living in LA. No one's from here. Even though few are actually from Austin either, or Seattle, say, both cities still possess an ethos so strong that mere tourists are moved to emphatic fist-pumps when a bandmember shouts out the city's name. LA? Uh-uh. I'm only guessing, so if you have another explanation, chime in.
2. A counter-argument to my blog from yesterday: One of the friends had some luck w/ re-issuing advice so I've reconsidered. What if on the 651st time the habitual advice-ignorer becomes the nascent advice-taker and her whole life changes as a result? That would be good. Then it's worth it.
3. Buy the new Trail of Dead.
*Important as in getting a haircut when you have a zillion split ends. Not important as in say... oxygen.
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