Sunday, November 12, 2006


I missed posting yesterday b/c I was at the event all day and then driving to Waco. So here we go: Event ended sweetly. I always receive more than I could possibly give at these things. I was fortunate to have a team that I really liked -- and I had the bonus of knowing all of them from previous events. I have been a project manager and I know what it's like to lead a team; yet this was so much more intense for me, in the ways where you're immediately aware that you're growing.

I'm hoping that my wrist has healed because seeing the yoga this weekend really made me miss the vinyasa practice -- even chatturanga, oddly.

Spent the night in Waco to see Hav's parents, then headed to Austin today where I had a nearly perfect day. "Nearly" because I did have to fly and getting on a plane is right up there w/ getting mosquito bites -- totally annoying but sort of comes with the territory if you want to get outside (and are averse to Deet. That's mosquitoes. Not flying. I suppose you knew that.). How do you punctuate that, anyway?

Ruth at Clementines -- she was kind enough to post my DBT sticker there! Then LaLo, Alo, Lolo and D all for brunch, then Margaret for Kombucha. I didn't get to see Jenny unfortunately b/c of schedules, but since I'll be back next month we've set our date.

The plane was delayed an hour tonight and I was seated behind a baby who cried for (what felt like) my whole life. My mind travelled from genius business ideas (they should have an airline just for parents with toddlers and infants-- kinda like smoking sections for babies) to the not-even-patient (please give your child some Ambien before I do). I'm not proud folks - I'm just tired and charity wears thin under duress. In the end (and I mean as we were de-boarding) it was really cool because I realized that most of us walk around w/ our wounds and then wound others in the same way that babies cry on airplanes -- we can't help it anymore than babies can and those wounded actions are just expressions of need. I'm not saying that absolves us from responsibility (those babies should pay. Just kidding. No hate mail please.), but it does inspire compassion.

Holy sleeplessness I gots to go to bed.


Angela said...

Sorry I missed out this weekend. Actually, it worked out for the best because I got sick and wouldn't have been able to attend anyway. Next time, I'm there. Can you convince Baron to truck it down to Austin again??!!!??!!

vanessa said...

Rats that you've been sick - it was a lot of fun. Wouldn't it be cool if he headed back to Austin? I have to say my lobbying efforts right now are for (selfishly) LA. :-)

Angela said...

Perfectly understandable.