Sunday, March 04, 2007


First things first. Hands down, the COOLEST commercial in the whole wide world. If you know anything about me, you know I love kombucha, Gandhi, yoga, and superballs. Not necessarily in that order. So I am so pleased to present the following video: Enjoy.

Our friend P was in town from Austin this weekend. He's totally fun and completely trouble. In short, I'm drinking double strength Detox tea today and we played Quarters AND (and, yes, I know, the story should stop right there) not one, but TWO games of I Never last night. To be fair, the second game was a variation on the first where we played the non-negotiables version. It goes something like this: NEVER EVER WILL I DATE...someone who drives a Hummer. Oh yes, that cherry was my brilliant contribution. P's friend, M, kicked it off w/, "I'll never date a liar"; Dre showed up with, "I'll never date someone my family doesn't like." You know, these are meaningful things -- then I represent with: Hummers need not apply. Sweet.

This is on the heels of getting a new Gandhi book yesterday, The Essential Writings of Gandhi, by Someone. I bought it because you know how I'm a sucker for signs and when I flipped open the book I landed on a passage which said something to the effect that once you've read all the books, you have to search for the guidance from within. Naturally I had to have it, despite that the book was, in fact, telling me to drop the books and be my own teacher. I go to this great detail b/c a) I'm long-winded and b) umm, I'm long-winded. So yesterday *before* my marathon night of hijinks, I was reading in my new book about the importance of taking vows, (Gandhi's way of saying, Jesus would you commit to something already?), and I had all these huge and inspired plans which were all foibled on my first attempt. Fortunately I'm as resilient as my Tempurpedic so I'm ready to start again.


SXSW -- almost here. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn work computer won't let me watch it! I will have to log in at home to see.
I need some of that detox tea because my birthday lasted all weekend!
I wanted to head to hot yoga after work but afraid I will hurt myself!

Oh and as a gift to myself (using an amazon gift card) I picked up some Baron materials!!! A box set thingy and a DVD.