Thursday, August 30, 2007

why you squeeze your eye at me?

So yesterday I was thinking about enlightenment and I totally realized... just kidding.


Andres and I are co-teaching 108 Sun Salutations as part of the Global Mala project on Sunday Sept 23rd at Equinox. Which'll be fun. I've practiced 108 Suns before for New Years but have never taught it. It's a good thing he can count 'cause math isn't a strength.


On way to Portland tomorrow. Super cool. I'm out of coffee so I'm swinging up for my favorite beans EVER. Oh and I also get some hiking, back Entourage episodes, and catching up on movies in the whole deal.


Have I mentioned that I live in the loudest apartment ever? This is some kind of terribly cruel motif for me. Back in Cambridge I love love LOVED my apartment save for it being right next to a fire station. Then I move to LA and my room is by a huge office building and worse, its loading dock. How weird is that? Just like, WHO has a room by an office building? It's 9:00 at night right now, and you'd think they'd have gone home for the day but apparently huge trucks with their drivers who like to shout need a place to hang out.


I need yoga.

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