Friday, March 14, 2008

sxsw vol. 9, day 3

This one's not starting out right. I set my alarm for 7 a.m. PACIFIC time and missed the class I was really looking forward to teaching. I feel really lame right now. Especially really sorry to Malia and Angela. Sigh.


Okay shit. I just deleted the last three hours of my post. Quickly: ran my ass off this morning trying to run off the shame. Then headed down to Red Eyed Fly to catch Magic Bullets. Ran into Hav's friends Williams and Reynolds, whom I haven't seen since BB-U. Strange and nice at the same time.

After the show I heard a band playing that sounded good and Talking Heads-ish so I went in. Fanfarlo - liked 'em.

Headed over to Mohawk for The Dodo's. I didn't know who I was seeing going in but then they played their first song and I've listened to it about 100xs - it's on a cd H made for me. After the first I lost interest.

Now we're all over at the Free YR Radio parking lot for She & Him show. I ran into my old neighbors here and I also got interviewed for the local news (but that was earlier). Okay I'll save this now...
PS - it's sooo effing hot out.

Umm, left She & Him early. I prob don't need to go into it. We've been back at Mohawk for a couple of hours. Lineup: White Denim (I can see why other people like them - the lead singer is cute), Blitzen Trapper (who we're listening to right now), and at 5, British Sea Power. I should recuse myself from blogging right now. New Order could show up to play and I'd be like "Eh.".

I TOTALLY take that back - British Sea Power rocked it. Holy jesus it's gonna be hard to top the energy.


Here at Maggie Mae's for Parisians. If they were German or something instead of boring ole French, I might like 'em.

Next up: Krief. Apparently it's the guitar player from the Dears and since I heart them I'm game.

Turned out well.

Met D at Cheers for - what else? - a shot. No I'm not too old. Hav wanted to see Clare & the Reasons - this string group - at the presby church. So the three of us headed over. We were greeted by church folk offering us water and cookies. No joke. Homemade cookies - how sweet is that? I was very impressed by their hospitality. Not enough to show up on a Sunday, but still. Anyway, I can only describe the experience as an ethereal buzzkill. The instruments, her voice - all angelic. And they coulda lulled a baby. Glad I went tho.

Met up with Alo and Lance to see Fanfarlo (yes twice today but no one else had seen 'em). Havis dubbed them Fancade Fire.

We left D and Hav there and went to see Devotchka at Antone's. We stayed for about 30 seconds and then got word that Cedar Door didn't have a line so we left. I'll be back, Devotchka. Alo and I petty-cabbed it over and got in ... another line. Not bad though. Sat through the end of Tapes on Tapes and waited for Nada Surf. Dre was there w/ Taylor - he flew in for two days. They were hanging w/ all their b-school friends and I ended up going back to the other side.

Nada Surf came on, put on a spirited show, and went out w/ a bang. We ended w/ a couple of slices of Stony's pizza. It's insanely good. 'Night.


Angela said...

Must have been all those grape voda and sodas. *Wink* No need to apologize to me as I didn't make it. By the way, grape voda & soda...sounds yummy!

vanessa said...

thank goodness. although it still sucked it.