Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sleepy like a fox.

So I wrote that blog last night and then I was thinking about how essentially I'm just worrying if I'm doing "this" right. Drats. There I go with my right and wrong ways again. In theory I believe that willingness and action will always put you in the right direction but the brain forgets, so I have to be reminded.


Do you ever have those experiences where it feels like you're in the flow of life and there's no noise, you're just purely connected? For me it happens so infrequently that I always want to hold on to it but of course as soon as I try, it's gone. On my drive to work this morning I had just one of those experiences -- there's no effort, no struggle, no worries, no thoughts -- just peaceful as if swimming underwater. It only lasted for about 30 seconds (actually I have no idea since when it happens it feels like time has stopped) and then it went away and I wondered if that's what it felt like ALL the time to be like Buddha or something.


I quit the candy for a year and I'm thinking of following suit with desserts. For goshsakes I'm trying to learn commitment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In theory I believe that willingness and action will always put you in the right direction but the brain forgets, so I have to be reminded.

That is such a great statement!

Recently I've had moments where I feel connected, like for once things are "in Sync" and I am just being and enjoying. Those few moments are pure bliss.