Happy All Saints Day!
...So my birthday trip is officially planned. I'm going to Saba, which is an island in the Netherland Antilles -- or some part of the Caribbean. I'm only going there because you've never heard of it. Just kidding. I'm really going there because the only things to do are hiking and diving / snorkeling. (I actually hadn't heard of it before yesterday. I really, really wanted to go to Cuba, but that plan was foiled when I realized Obama hadn't gone far enough in lifting the travel restrictions. Cuba's still on my list but it's going to take some planning to devise a way to get a special permit. Surely teaching yoga to English-only speakers qualifies as "humanitarian.")
You know what I did this weekend? Squat. It was awesome. I have been intermittently sick for the past three weeks. In an effort to regain my health I decided to refrain from all things social unless social included going to yoga. Heading into Friday night I was super hyped on my decision. Then as the weekend went on, and I saw the fb pictures (human Tetris!) and Dre dressed up in her sexy witch costume (the real reason why Hansel climbed into the oven), I vowed that next year I'd don some sort of something and make an effort to feign festive. By this morning I had reconsidered. (That's the P in my ENTP.)
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